⚠️ Pine straw deliveries are currently arriving 4 to 7 days after ordering, unless rain delays your delivery.
Installation orders will be completed within 14 days.

Products & Services

A nice house with pine straw spread around out front

Thank you for your interest in West Cobb Pine Straw

We’ve been in business for 35 years in the West Cobb/Paulding County area of North Georgia. We carry Slash (most common) and Southern Long Leaf Pine Straw.

We can deliver from 10 bales to as many as you need. We also offer Professional Pine Straw Spreading for 40 or more bales. We roll and tuck the edges under for a polished look often difficult for Do-It-Yourselfers to achieve.

A West Cobb Pine Straw Delivery Truck

We offer the highest quality products at exceptional value